Topic: emotional balance

Navigating Emotional Challenges: A Guide for Parents of Children with Disabilities

Dr. Tali Shenfield | March 29, 2024

In Canada, more than 1 in 10 youth are living with a disability, and over half (59.8%) of these youth have a learning disability. Kids affected by physical, mental, and cognitive disabilities have a broad range of experiences, from mild, selective impairment to significant challenges in multiple areas of their lives. When provided with enough support at home and at school, most disabled ...

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How to Help Your Sensitive Child Manage Strong Feelings

Dr. Tali Shenfield | December 2, 2022

The way children react to stimuli is determined by both their genetics and their environment. Research conducted on identical twins has shown that about half of our traits are inherited, giving us our own intrinsic way of looking at the world. Neurodevelopmental disorders, like Autism and ADHD, can also contribute to the formation of prominent innate behaviours. If your child ...

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Learning from Negative Emotions: 5 Uncomfortable Feelings Kids Need to Experience

Dr. Tali Shenfield | August 2, 2022

Though positive feelings play a big role in how we learn—providing a sense of reward and satisfaction—the importance of negative emotions shouldn’t be overlooked. Uncomfortable feelings often teach children essential lessons, and learning to manage these emotions early on can create the foundation for lifelong stability and success. Processing and contextualizing negative emotions helps kids become more ...

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How to Help A Chronically Sad Child

Dr. Tali Shenfield | September 9, 2021

Every parent shares the same priority: They just want their child to be happy. They know, of course, that no one can realistically remain happy all of the time, but this doesn’t make them any less protective of their child’s well-being. Naturally, then, few things are as distressing as realizing one’s child is persistently sad. Though worry ...

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How to Help Your Child Stop Lying

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Five Ways to Help Your Children Behave Better Through Self-Regulation

Dr. Tali Shenfield | August 13, 2021

For centuries, parents were taught that effective child-rearing consists of rewarding good behaviour while punishing bad behaviour. Parents assumed that this would teach their children self-control, and having excellent self-control would allow them to resist temptation and act appropriately. Today, we know human behaviour isn’t that black and white. Kids usually act out not because they want to misbehave ...

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How To Raise Compassionate Children In A Dangerous World

Dr. William Chen | November 23, 2019

As most parents realize all too well, we’re living in violent times. From gang and terrorist activity to the prevalence of violence in video games and TV shows, everywhere we look today we’re confronted with aggression. Understandably, many parents find themselves worrying that it may not be possible to raise caring, compassionate children within such an environment. While ...

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Why Yelling at Children is so Harmful

Dr. Tali Shenfield | August 5, 2017

Though much attention has been paid to the harmful effects of physically disciplining children, until recently relatively little research had been done into the psychological impact of yelling. Many people - experts and parents alike - were therefore surprised when a recent study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh and published in the Journal of Child Psychology revealed that harsh ...

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The Challenges Of Raising Boys

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 1, 2017

As most parents of boys are aware, the world of young men can be a confining, confusing place. Too many parents witness their sons giving up hobbies, learning to shun shows of affection in public, ceasing to focus on their academic success, and limiting themselves in various other ways which stifle their self-expression. Compounding this issue, the older boys get, ...

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