Child Psychology Resources

- by Dr. Tali Shenfield

Many Minds, Many Skills: Understanding Intelligence

Dr. Tali Shenfield | February 24, 2023

What is intelligence? For centuries we have asked ourselves this question, wondering why we have the intellectual abilities we do and how to properly evaluate them using quantitative measures. It’s more than just idle curiosity; by understanding intelligence, we can improve our education system so that all aptitudes are nurtured equally. We can dismantle myths, erase stigma, and help ...

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What to Do When Your Child Hits You or Other Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | February 6, 2023

As adults, we understand that violence is not permissible under any circumstances. When you see your child hit another child, it’s therefore normal to feel worried, upset, and embarrassed. Many parents are surprised by how strong their emotions become when they witness their child hitting: Even if you know your child is probably just overwhelmed (and unaware of how ...

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Understanding and Managing Clinginess in Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | January 27, 2023

As kids grow up, they move from a state of complete dependence to one of independence. Clinginess in young children therefore doesn’t come as a surprise to most parents: Kids rely on their parents for support and safety, so it’s normal for them to become anxious at the prospect of separation. If your child seems significantly more clingy ...

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How to Treat ADHD in Adults?

Dr. William Chen | January 18, 2023

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic neurological disorder that profoundly impacts millions of adults across the globe. It is characterized by a lack of concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and difficulty managing emotions. While ADHD is traditionally thought to be a condition exclusive to children, the demand for adult ADHD treatment has grown significantly in recent years. A primary factor influencing ...

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Understanding Emotional Complexity of a Gifted Child

Too often, the emotional side of giftedness is overlooked; for all that we laud the intellectual complexity of giftedness, seldom ...

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Can Your Young Child be Misdiagnosed with ADHD?

Misdiagnosed ADHD is a common issue that parents face when seeking treatment for their children's attention and behavior issues. ADHD ...

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A Primer on Child and Adolescent Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are found in children much more often than many people realize; ten to twenty percent of all children ...

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Building Confidence in Kids Without Encouraging Arrogance

Dr. Tali Shenfield | January 12, 2023

One of the greatest challenges parents face is figuring out how to encourage the development of healthy self-esteem without engendering egotism. With research indicating that narcissistic traits are becoming more prevalent among young people, many parents are concerned that their attempts to make their children feel valued could have unintended consequences. Fortunately, understanding what separates confidence from arrogance will give ...

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Therapy Requires Commitment: Here’s What to Expect

Guest Author | January 2, 2023

The digital age has been defined by rapid access to information and the promise of quick, easy solutions for a multitude of problems. From one-click ordering to “life hacks,” most of us have grown accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it. The arduous nature of the therapeutic process can therefore feel overwhelming at first: Getting help for ...

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How Children Feel When Parents Fight

Anna Kaminsky | December 16, 2022

Every long-term relationship involves a certain amount of conflict. No two people agree on everything, so it’s normal for couples to occasionally argue over matters related to money, personal values, or plans for the future. Indeed, many experts believe that conflict can play an important role in maintaining a healthy relationship, provided that it doesn’t get out of ...

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How to Help Your Sensitive Child Manage Strong Feelings

Dr. Tali Shenfield | December 2, 2022

The way children react to stimuli is determined by both their genetics and their environment. Research conducted on identical twins has shown that about half of our traits are inherited, giving us our own intrinsic way of looking at the world. Neurodevelopmental disorders, like Autism and ADHD, can also contribute to the formation of prominent innate behaviours. If your child ...

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