Topic: is my child gifted

Asynchronous Development: an Alternative View of Giftedness

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 2, 2015

Most human beings have a tendency to assess things from the outside in, using measurable external factors such as performance and achievement to ascertain how intelligent (or “gifted”) a person is. Indeed, the standardized psychological tests used to detect giftedness entirely overlook the behavioural and emotional aspects of giftedness. This sets up a damaging precedent, one that leads to gifted ...

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How To Tell Whether Your Child is Gifted

Dr. Denise Cummins | July 4, 2014

Sometimes classroom behavior problems signal giftedness. Brad and Karen were at their wits end. Their grade school children once again came home with stern disciplinary notes from their teachers, notes riddled with complaints of inattention, acting out, "back-talk", "bossiness", and an inability to "play well with others". The teachers had gotten together and decided to recommend that the children be ...

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