Topic: emotional response

What to Expect when Your Child is Grieving

Dr. Tali Shenfield | February 25, 2024

Watching a child grieve is one of the most painful experiences in any parent’s life. If your child has gone through a difficult loss, you may be concerned that he’ll never return to his normal self. Many parents worry that their child’s grief-related nightmares, social withdrawal, apathy, and emotional issues won’t completely subside with time, but ...

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How to Help Your Sensitive Child Manage Strong Feelings

Dr. Tali Shenfield | December 2, 2022

The way children react to stimuli is determined by both their genetics and their environment. Research conducted on identical twins has shown that about half of our traits are inherited, giving us our own intrinsic way of looking at the world. Neurodevelopmental disorders, like Autism and ADHD, can also contribute to the formation of prominent innate behaviours. If your child ...

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How To Help Your Child Manage Anger

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 20, 2017

Though most parents understand that getting angry from time to time is simply a part of life, the unpredictability and intensity of a child's anger can still be profoundly unsettling. As such, many parents react strongly to their child's outbursts, either doing everything they can to pacify the child or punishing him severely in order to put a stop to ...

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Teaching Children How to Manage Conflict

Dr. Tali Shenfield | December 10, 2014

Many years ago I remember a New Yorker cartoon depicting two parents bringing their child to school for the first time and talking to the principal. To paraphrase what I remember from the cartoon their comment was something like this: “We have raised Johnny so that he has never experienced a harsh word or any negativity in his whole life. ...

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Can Your Young Child be Misdiagnosed with ADHD?

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Warning Signs of Autism in Babies and Toddlers

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How To Help Your Child Lose Weight And Preserve His Self-Esteem

For the parents of overweight children, every day is a balancing act; on one hand, there is the natural desire ...

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