Topic: effective discipline

6 Effective Ways to Help Your Child Behave Better

Anna Kaminsky | March 16, 2024

Kids misbehave for a wide variety of different reasons, and some children are inherently easier to parent than others. Finding the right methods of guidance can therefore feel confusing and overwhelming, especially if techniques that worked with one of your children don’t work with his or her siblings. However, while it’s true that parenting is an adaptive and ...

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Why Yelling at Children is so Harmful

Dr. Tali Shenfield | August 5, 2017

Though much attention has been paid to the harmful effects of physically disciplining children, until recently relatively little research had been done into the psychological impact of yelling. Many people - experts and parents alike - were therefore surprised when a recent study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh and published in the Journal of Child Psychology revealed that harsh ...

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14 Effective Strategies For Managing Child’s Anger

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 1, 2016

Anger is a notoriously infectious emotion, easily setting off the desire to react in like kind. Many of us were not taught how to effectively deal with anger during our own childhoods, so when we experience anger in a child, we struggle to react in the way we feel we ought to. Keeping ourselves calm and judicious may prove possible, ...

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