Topic: child with Asperger’s syndrome

How to Help Kids With Asperger’s Learn Better Impulse Control

Dr. Tali Shenfield | September 10, 2020

Children with Asperger’s (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA) can appear somewhat paradoxical in nature. On one hand, many kids on the Autism Spectrum are cautious, anxious, and shy. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon for AS and HFA children to struggle with impulse control, too. This can make them look aggressive and rebellious—even when that isn’...

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How To Tell Your Child That He Has Autism

Dr. William Chen | January 6, 2018

Parents of children on the autism spectrum often balk at breaking the news of a diagnosis to their son or daughter; after all, while they know that they will always love and accept their autistic child because of, and not in spite of, who he (or she) is, there's no way to be sure that the child will feel the ...

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Helping Asperger’s Teens To Survive and Thrive: 15 Key Steps

Anna Kaminsky | April 2, 2016

For children with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism (HFA), change is hard; all their lives they have struggled with the confusing and troubling nature of the highly changeable world around them — then suddenly, with the advent of the teen years, the changes become internal, too. Hormonal fluctuations, the quest for self-identity, and the pressure of trying to be ...

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When Aspergers Syndrome goes Undiagnosed

Dr. Tali Shenfield | October 1, 2014

Autism has been in the spotlight for many years.  In movies, television, and novels, autistic characters are portrayed to have social difficulties, repetitive movements or tics, and often nearly superhuman mental capacity. The truth is, many people who are on the autism spectrum do not have such easily noticeable symptoms and often go undiagnosed, specifically those who are ...

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Teaching Social Skills to Children with Asperger’s

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 25, 2014

Having a child with Asperger’s Syndrome can be a true adventure. The relationship you have with your child will definitely be unique and extraordinary. The amount of time you spend with your child helps them trust you, learn your mannerisms, and determine how to interact. This might leave you confused about why there is such a struggle in getting ...

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Disciplining an Asperger’s Child

Anna Kaminsky | May 26, 2014

Trying to discipline your child can be a difficult and ever changing world of frustration for all involved. When your child has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome it can be as difficult to create rules and boundaries as it is to determine effective consequences. Often, a child with Asperger’s sees the world in a different way than his ...

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