Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

- Psychological Disorders and Mental Health Conditions

Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have both been under the microscope lately with many people feeling it is over diagnosed.


There are no known causes for ADD/ADHD but there is speculation that overstimulation of young children creates an impatience with normal life. The increase in diagnoses has been attributed to the use of technology for entertainment for children instead of the traditional activities of playing outside with peers. It is suspected that the brain becomes accustomed to the average 50-60 pictures per second that is seen on modern televisions and video games. This in turn makes the brain bored or less responsive to dealing with daily minutia thus leading to acting out behavior at school or home when not being visually stimulated. The behaviors are usually more obvious at school because there is not constant stimulation or because the disorder leads to learning difficulties and the behavior is a distraction from completing work.


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder has three subgroups that include Hyperactive, Inattentive, of Impulsive Type. A child with hyperactive type ADHD is easily noticed in the classroom due to the inability to sit still, seemingly uncontrolled movements and vocalizations, and low frustration tolerance. This often leads to consistent disciplinary action being taken, lower grades, and the possibility of removal from the classroom. Inattentive children are often overlooked except for when they are off task. Signs that a child is inattentive are a tendency to lose things, wandering off, not responding when spoken to, and making careless mistakes or not finishing the work. A child that is impulsive will often interrupt or answer a question before it has been fully asked, they will often act without thinking about consequences, and will have difficulty waiting in line. Because of the impulsivity, these children are at risk for legal consequences, injuries, and substance use.


For the diagnosis to be made, the symptoms must have been present prior to the age of 7 and be noticeable in at least 2 settings, such as home and school. It is possible for a child to be diagnosed with a combination of the types described above. Often behaviors can overlap in all three types but the diagnosis is based upon the most prevalent symptoms.


Treatment for ADHD of all types can be difficult. While some families opt for medical intervention it is important to know that there is some form of counseling to teach the child and caretakers the skills required to reduce the impact of this disorder. Medication alone may help with calming hyperactivity and impulsivity or improving focus but this may not always be an option. It is necessary for the child to learn techniques to self regulate behavior to be successful without medication. Long term use of medication to treat ADHD is controversial since there are side effects that can hinder proper development, increase heart rate and blood pressure, create addictions, and decrease appetite. Occupational therapy is important in school for a student with ADHD who has writing difficulties. If the child is motivated to change this may be all that is required. If there are symptoms at home it may be necessary to find a counselor that has had success treating ADHD clients in the past. Behavior modification techniques, psychoeducation, and talk therapy can usually help the child become more independent in handling hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity. Often a change in diet can help in subduing some of the symptoms by reducing processed and high sugar foods. Adding an exercise regime or joining an organized sport has shown very positive results in reducing the symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is highly treatable once a technique that works for your child is found. It may create some struggles later in life but most symptoms will not be noticed in adulthood if treatment is sought during the earlier years.

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