Topic: right discipline

6 Effective Ways to Help Your Child Behave Better

Anna Kaminsky | March 16, 2024

Kids misbehave for a wide variety of different reasons, and some children are inherently easier to parent than others. Finding the right methods of guidance can therefore feel confusing and overwhelming, especially if techniques that worked with one of your children don’t work with his or her siblings. However, while it’s true that parenting is an adaptive and ...

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Gentle Parenting: 3 Effective Techniques for Compassionate Child Discipline

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 20, 2023

We all want our children to treat others with kindness, empathy, and compassion. Many of the rules and boundaries we set are designed to teach our kids what is (and isn’t) socially appropriate, and we constantly strive to inform our children about the ways their actions can affect others. However, the manner in which we discipline our children has ...

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How To Set Fair Rules And Limits For Your Child

Dr. Tali Shenfield | July 20, 2018

Parenting would almost certainly be a simpler job if it came with a standardized book of child-appropriate rules and boundaries. If this were the case, parents would no longer have to hear the familiar outcry of “It's not fair! Everyone else is allowed to...” whenever they tried to establish a curfew, set limits for acceptable media, etc. After all, though ...

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14 Effective Strategies For Managing Child’s Anger

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 1, 2016

Anger is a notoriously infectious emotion, easily setting off the desire to react in like kind. Many of us were not taught how to effectively deal with anger during our own childhoods, so when we experience anger in a child, we struggle to react in the way we feel we ought to. Keeping ourselves calm and judicious may prove possible, ...

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How to Raise Children with Independent Views and a Critical Mind

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How to Choose Discipline Methods that Help Your Child Grow

Parenting is one of the most demanding jobs one will ever have. A parent’s desire to do the right ...

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What Can Trigger ADHD in Adults? 6 Factors to Look Out For

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Seven Surprisingly Effective Rules for Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | April 3, 2015

It's natural for parents to get somewhat desperate when faced with a stubborn child, and to escalate the severity of rules and punishments in the hope of provoking obedience, but as most parents know, this approach is hit-and-miss at best. It's ultimately more effective to have a ready supply of clear, enforceable rules memorized beforehand, so that one can apply ...

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Optimizing Your Child’s Executive Functioning

Dr. Tali Shenfield | January 28, 2015

As popular media started using psychological term 'executive functions', more and more parents are learning about the importance of increasing executive functioning capabilities as a critical developmental stepping stone in virtually every area of child’s life. But what is ‘executive functioning’ and how does it relate to your child’s development into a teenager and young adult? First, executive ...

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Effective Discipline Methods for Proactive Parenting

Dr. Tali Shenfield | January 15, 2015

So here you are. Your child has done something wrong or hasn’t done something they should have done. In some way your child has not behaved as you want them to. For many parents this signals a need for discipline. And for most of parents this more often than not means negative discipline. It means taking something away such ...

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Disciplining an Asperger’s Child

Anna Kaminsky | May 26, 2014

Trying to discipline your child can be a difficult and ever changing world of frustration for all involved. When your child has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome it can be as difficult to create rules and boundaries as it is to determine effective consequences. Often, a child with Asperger’s sees the world in a different way than his ...

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