Topic: education

How to Work Productively with Your Child’s School

Guest Author | March 10, 2021

We all want our child’s school experience to be enriching and enjoyable—after all, by the age of four or five, our kids will be spending most of their time in the classroom. Unfortunately, as most parents know all too well, the school environment is often far from ideal. It’s not that educators don’t have kids’ best ...

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How To Get Your Child To Complete Homework

Anna Kaminsky | October 1, 2017

In many households, the mere word “homework” is dreaded. Both parents and children want nothing more than to wind down and relax after a long day, but instead they regularly find themselves locked in a battle of wills over the necessity of doing homework. Parents in this situation try everything from coaxing and pleading to yelling and threatening the removal ...

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How To Improve Working Memory And Attention

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 27, 2012

Working memory allows us to temporarily hold and manipulate information to accomplish daily tasks like following instructions, remembering phone numbers, and shopping. It develops gradually through childhood and relies on key skills like attention, auditory memory, and visual-spatial skills working together. Working memory capacity varies by individual and naturally declines with age, but can be improved through targeted training. Those ...

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How to choose a career path that is right for You

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 22, 2012

Selecting a career path that is both effective and satisfying is one of the most important decisions a person makes in their entire life. However, young people are facing this choice at a time when their self-understanding and awareness of the world of work is very meagre. In the best-case scenario, adolescents discuss these issues with their parents who can ...

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