Topic: children fears

Navigating a Disturbing World: Talking to Children about Terrorism

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 21, 2015

It is a shocking paradox that despite all our advances in knowledge and scientific progress, our life in the 21st century is as unsafe as ever. Just a week ago, the humanity was suddenly shaken up by the terrible news of a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of more than a hundred innocent people gathered in Paris for music ...

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Helping Your Child Cope with Media Coverage of Crises and Disasters

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 12, 2012

It's hard to keep disturbing news away from your child. With environmental dangers like hurricanes and earthquakes, human dangers like terrorism and the news media faithfully following the old adage "If it bleeds it leads" there's bad news everywhere. While some children tend to react anxiously to disturbing news, others keep it in. They don't seem to react but fixate ...

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