Topic: anger overload

Understanding Chronic Anger in Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 27, 2020

According to various studies, emotional and behavioural problems among children are far more common than many of us realize. It’s estimated that currently, 17% to 22% of those under 18 struggle with emotional issues severe enough to hinder their development. Out of all of these issues, anger is the most prevalent. While many children struggle to control their anger at times, kids ...

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Diagnosing and Treating Anger Issues in Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | September 28, 2020

Angry meltdowns and childhood go hand in hand. Kids’ natural impulsivity and lack of perspective make them prone to lashing out over apparently minor issues—particularly during early childhood. Being denied something they want, being criticized even in a constructive way, or being teased can all spark disproportionately intense fits of rage.             For parents, it can be difficult to know ...

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Understanding Anger In Children: How Much Is Too Much?

Dr. Tali Shenfield | May 17, 2019

Tantrums are an inevitable part of childhood. Because children lack the perspective that comes with many years of experience, even small misfortunes can seem calamitous to them. Moreover, young children (those under 7-8 years old) have yet to develop the impulse control and social filters needed to consistently avoid overt, inappropriate displays of anger. While most children learn to limit ...

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How To Help Your Child Manage Anger

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 20, 2017

Though most parents understand that getting angry from time to time is simply a part of life, the unpredictability and intensity of a child's anger can still be profoundly unsettling. As such, many parents react strongly to their child's outbursts, either doing everything they can to pacify the child or punishing him severely in order to put a stop to ...

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Does your child suffer from Anger Overload?

Dr. Tali Shenfield | July 1, 2013

We recommend an updated version of this article published in Sept. 2020: "Diagnosing And Treating Anger Issues In Children"   Anger overload in children is an issue which has recently come to the attention of the psychological community. It is distinct from other psychological problems such as bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and opositional defiant disorder. While it can sometimes occur ...

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