Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks

- Psychological Disorders and Mental Health Conditions


Imagine the feeling you get when someone jumps out from the darkness to scare you or there is a loud noise behind you without warning. Your heart might jump and begin to race, your breathing will speed up, you might feel faint, and begin to tremble. Now imagine that the feeling is not fleeting and that it sticks around for minutes or hours. That is what someone with Panic Disorder endures during a panic attack. A panic attack can be so severe that it feels like a heart attack and often will lead to a trip to the emergency room of the local hospital.


Many of the symptoms are similar to a heart attack so it is easy to understand how having Panic Disorder can be greatly debilitating for some. Panic Disorder does not have a clear cause but it often occurs in those that are under a lot of stress, have been a victim of trauma, or have a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is also a possible genetic component because children of parents with panic or anxiety disorders are more likely to have the anxiety disorder themselves. For parents who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks it is a good idea to evaluate whether your child is at risk of anxiety disorder. Same as General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder can affect those of all ages and genders but is more often reported by women.

Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks

Often the first time someone experiences a panic attack they believe there is a medical issue. The intensity can make the sufferer feel as though they are going to pass out or die. Some symptoms include chest tightness, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, hyperventilation, trembling, tunnel vision, sweating, and becoming off balance. In a child a panic attack might induce vomiting or might frighten the child to the point they might soil themselves. It is important to remember that panic attacks can occur with or without a trigger. They can begin all of a sudden and can last for different periods of time. Once the person with Panic Disorder experiences multiple panic attacks it is possible that the panic attack will become a trigger for itself. Because the feeling during a panic attack can be so stressful and scary, feeling the symptoms can increase the intensity of the panic attack. This domino effect can make a panic attack last for hours. If you are witnessing someone having a panic attack it is important not to become agitated yourself. When a child has a panic attack it can be helpful to give them a paper bag to breathe into or give them a specific task to work on. Some find it helpful to count objects in the environment until they get past the panic. Take cues from the person having the panic attack. If they need physical touch to feel safe it is okay to supply that but if they ask not to be touched and to be given space it is important to listen to their needs.


If you suspect you or someone you know is suffering from a Panic Disorder it is necessary to get professional assistance. Panic attacks often become more severe over time if there is no treatment. It is possible for someone to use only medication to subdue the panic but often these medications are highly addictive and cannot be used while driving due to the sedative affects. This also does not allow the person to gain control over the panic so the disorder will continue. Mental health counseling can sometimes be enough for someone to deal with Panic Disorder without medical intervention. In counseling, the sufferer will learn relaxation techniques and skills for stress relief. If there are issues in the home or school that are contributing to the disorder they will be addressed in counseling as well. Overall, Panic Disorder is highly treatable. Because there is often a chemical component to the disorder, panic attacks will continue to occur but learning to handle them will make the severity and duration much more manageable than it would be without treatment.

Image Credit: Mark Sebastian at